please make sure you are well hydrated. Skin is way easier to tattoo when your skin is healthy.
please do not get sunburnt before your tattoo. I can not tattoo on a sunburn and when the skin peels every wipe will take the stencil away.
do not drink alcohol or take blood thinning medications 24 hour prior to appointment. Of coarse if it's a prescription that you can't go without that's fine.
do not shave the area where your getting your tattoo.
please make sure you are showered and clean. We will be in close proximity for a few hours so i will appreciate this.
wear appropriate attire. Wear something your okay getting dirty. Also wear something that makes the area being tattooed easily accessible.
bring a drink and snacks
you are welcome to bring anything for comfort ( blanket, pillow, headphones,stuffed animal, etc.)